Joomla and WordPress Clubs

You want to change your template without having to purchase a brand new design every time? You can get an access to Joomla! and WordPress products developed by our authors by making subscription to our clubs. In this blog post we would like to introduce and explain how to use AS Templates Clubs

Best WordPress Security Plugins

WordPress  is the most popular and widely used blogging platform. Around thirty percent of all websites globally use WordPress. As a result of this popularity, there are thousand of WP websites have been attacked by hackers and spammers. In this blog we will talk about most popular security plugins for WordPress.

Joomla and PHP7

Joomla 3 version start supported PHP 7, that  reduce  loading time of the page by 10 – 30% on average. If the web server could handle 100 requests per second with PHP 5.6, then the same web server can handle 200 – 300 requests per second with PHP 7.

Class Suffix in Joomla

When Joomla! generates a page, it automatically creates pre-defined CSS classes to allow styling of the page. For example, a page might have the element.  A Page Class allows you to add custom CSS to individual pages. This makes it really good for styling landing pages or particular important pages. Module has same Class Suffix […]

URL Encoding

URL encoding converts characters into a format that can be transmitted over the Internet. These characters include − ASCII control characters, Non-ASCII control characters, Reserved characters, Unsafe characters. The URL is the address of a web page, like:

Bootstrap – Progress Bars

The purpose of progress bars is showing the progress of a task or action to the users. Bootstrap provides several types of progress bars. Note: Progress bars are not supported in Internet Explorer 9 and earlier (because they use CSS3 transitions and animations to achieve some of their effects).

Joomla Template Editor

Joomla 3.x offer very powerful Template Editor, available within the admin panel. The Template Editor allows you to edit your template directly in your browser. This is helpful and in case to fix/edit  small issue could be faster than editing files using ftp. Lets talk about this incredible Joomla! option.