The server looks for specifically named files as the first page of your website, also known as the index page. The default order of index file names our particular servers look through is index.htm, index.html, index.php, and finallydefault.htm. You can change the name of the index file your account looks for by altering the .htaccess file.
Author: Alechko Studio
301 redirect via .htaccess
How to create Modules in Joomla
How to create a Menu Item in Joomla
How to Create a Menu in Joomla
How to View Module Positions in Joomla
Joomla Articles Options Configuration
How to Create a Multilingual Joomla Website
One of the advantages of Joomla is that is makes it relatively easy to create a multilingual website, without you having to install extensions. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a multilingual Joomla website. You’ll find a complete walkthrough of the steps involved in creating a multilingual Joomla site. This is a free online appendix to the Joomla 3 Beginner’s Guide by Eric Tiggeler (Packt Publishing 2013).
Joomla in German
Was ist Joomla? Joomla ist ein preisgekröntes Content Management System (CMS) mit dem man Webseiten und leistungsfähige Onlineanwendungen erstellen kann. Viele Eigenschaften, wie z.B. die einfachen Handhabung und die gute Erweiterbarkeit, haben Joomla zur beliebtesten Software für die Erstellung von Webseiten gemacht. Das Beste daran ist allerdings, dass Joomla eine „Open Source”-Software ist, die kostenlos für jeden verfügbar ist. Joomla bietet unter anderem folgende Vorteile:
Joomla in Russian
Joomla является победителем среди систем управления контентом (CMS), она позволит вам создать как простой веб-сайт, так мощное онлайн приложение. В большинстве аспектов, включая простоту применения и легкую расширяемость, Joomla является наиболее популярным и доступным программным обеспечением для веб-сайта. Более того, Joomla это открытое и свободно распространяемое решение, которое легко доступно каждому. Основные преимущества Joomla! включают:
Joomla in Polish
Joomla jest wielokrotnie nagradzanym systemem zarządzania treścią (CMS), który umożliwia budowanie serwisów internetowych i skutecznych aplikacji. Wiele aspektów, takich jak jego łatwość obsługi i rozszerzalność powoduje że Joomla jest jednym z najpopularniejszych programów tego typu dostępnych w Internecie. Najlepszy ze wszystkich, Joomla rozwiązania open source, która jest dostępna bezpłatnie dla wszystkich. Korzyści z Joomla! obejmują:
Joomla in English
Joomla is an award-winning Content Management System (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone. The benefits of Joomla! include:
Joomla in Dutch
Joomla!™ is een bekroond Content Management Systeem (CMS), dat de mogelijkheid biedt websites en krachtige online applicaties te bouwen. Door de vele mogelijkheden, waaronder het eenvoudige gebruik en uitbreidingsmogelijkheden, behoort Joomla! tot een van de meest populaire webbouw pakketten. Bovendien is Joomla! een open source pakket en is voor iedereen vrij beschikbaar. De voordelen van Joomla bestaan uit:
Joomla in Italian
Joomla è un pluripremiato Content Management System (CMS), che consente di creare siti web e potenti applicazioni on-line. Sono diversi gli aspetti che hanno reso Joomla il software più popolare per la costruzione di siti Web, fra questi la sua facilità d’uso ed estensibilità. Ma il migliore è che Joomla è una soluzione open source, quindi liberamente disponibile a tutti. I vantaggi di Joomla! includono:
Joomla in French
Joomla! est un Système de gestion de contenu pour l’Internet – ou Content Management System (CMS) en anglais – de nombreuses fois primé, qui vous permet de construire des sites Internet et de puissantes applications en ligne. Beaucoup d’aspects, incluant la facilité d’utilisation et son extensibilité, a fait de Joomla! un des logiciels web les plus populaires. Parmi les meilleures, Joomla! est une solution open source librement accessible à tous. Les points fort de Joomla! sont :
Joomla in Spanish
Joomla es un premiado sistema de Gestión de Contenidos (CMS), que permite crear sitios Web y poderosas aplicaciones online. Muchos aspectos, incluyendo su fácil uso y extensibilidad han convertido a Joomla! en el software para Web más popular. Y lo mejor de todo, Joomla es Software Libre disponible gratuitamente para todo el mundo. Entre los beneficios de Joomla se incluyen:
Joomla in Greek
Το Joomla είναι ένα βραβευμένο Σύστημα Διαχείρισης Περιεχομένων (ΣΔΠ) το οποίο σας επιτρέπει να δημιουργήσετε ιστοχώρους και πανίσχυρες διαδικτυακές εφαρμογές. Πολλές απόψεις του, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ευχρηστίας του και της επεκτασιμότητάς του, έκανα το Joomla το πιο δημοφιλές λογισμικό δημιουργίας ιστοχώρων που είναι διαθέσιμο. Το καλύτερο είναι ότι το Joomla είναι μια λύση Ανοικτού Κώδικα που είναι ελεύθερα διαθέσιμη στον καθένα. Τα πλεονεκτήματα της χρήσης του Joomla! συμπεριλαμβάνουν:
Joomla in Danish
Joomla er et pris-vindende Content Management System (CMS), som gør dig i stand til at bygge websteder og avancerede online applikationer. Mange aspekter, inklusiv dets let-at-anvende og udvidelsesmuligheder, har gjort Joomla til det mest populære websted software der er tilgængelig. Som det bedste af det hele, så er Joomla en open source løsning der er frit tilgængelig for alle. Fordele ved Joomla! inkluderer:
Joomla Multilingual Resource
Is your non-English language not listed? Please check to see how you can help out to get it listed here.
Clear Cache vs. Clear Expired Cache
The are two options in Joomla to clear cache files from the cache folders if enabled under the Site Global Configuration settings.
- Clear Cache – This tool will delete all Cache files from the cache folders – including current ones – from your web server.
- Clear Expired Cache – This tool will purge all expired cache files from the cache folders.
So, what the difference ?
Joomla Global Check-in
Allows Administrators to “check-in” or unlock items currently “locked” whether they are in-use by other users or the item wasn’t closed properly.
Selecting this menu option allows Joomla! administrators to perform a global check-in of all currently pending or locked items. It then shows the results of the Global Check-in. This is useful, for example, if an Article is locked by a User who opened it for editing and never finished the editing session. In this case, other Users are not able to edit this Article. Performing a Global Check-in releases all such items.
Joomla Technical Requirements
Joomla language override
Joomla article version control
This tool allows you to save previous versions of your articles, and also allows you to revert to any previous version at any time. In this tutorial, we will review how to use the new version control system. Version control was introduced from Joomla 3.2.