W3.CSS is a Cascading Style Sheet developed by w3schools.com, that helps create responsive websites very fast. So what is W3.CSS and why it start so popular in web designing environment?
Responsive Design
- W3.CSS has in-built responsive designing
- W3.CSS ( similar to Bootstrap) has a 12 column mobile-first fluid grid that supports responsive classes for small, large, and medium screen sizes.
- The websites created using W3.CSS are fully compatible with any available devices.
Standard CSS
- W3.CSS is very easy to learn, because it use standard CSS only.
- W3.CSS not depend of any external JavaScript library such as jQuery, that made it super light.
Material Design
- W3.CSS is inspired from Google Material Design.
- It supports paper-like design.
- It supports shadows and bold colors.
How to Use W3.CSS?
You can download the W3.CSS file from here:
Download version 3 from this link: https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/3/w3.css
Download version 4 from this link: https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css
and include it in your HTML code or just link it from the Content Delivery Network (CDN).
link rel=”stylesheet” href=”https://www.w3schools.com/w3css/4/w3.css”
W3.CSS provides the following color classes:
- w3-color – A background color for an element
- w3-text-color – A text color for an element
- w3-hover-color – The hoverable background color for an element
- w3-hover-text-color – The hoverable text color for an element
W3.CSS provides w3-container as a primary class included common styles. margin,padding, alignment, fonts, color: w3-border, w3-red, w3-teal, w3-padding-32
Also W3.CSS provide Panels, Borders, Cards, Fonts, Text, Buttons, Dropdowns, Animations, Accordion, Pagination and much more. As well it is absolutely free. No license is necessary.
I learned a lot from here. And hopefully, we will know better later. Waiting for the next post. Thank you.